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1.Registration Details

    Email Address (required) Entity applying for ABN is: Please provide your Tax File Number (TFN) Please provide you Main Business Activity : Would you like to register for GST? [group gst-group] Annual expected turnover of company? How often will the company lodge GST? If your Turnover exceeds $75k per financial year you must report GST on a quarterly basis. If turn over is less than $75k per year annual option is available. Does the company intend to account for GST on a Cash basis? GST is payable on income derived on a Cash basis, when income is received from the Customer. GST may be claimed on expenses when physical payment is made to a GST registered supplier. GST is payable on income derived on a Accruals basis, when and invoice is issued to the Customer (irrespective when a payment is made). GST may be claimed on expenses incurred when supplier presents you with a tax invoice. [/group]

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